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The Edge of the World

The Edge of the World

Directed by Michael Powell • Drama • 1938 • UK • English
Starring Niall MacGinnis, Belle Chrystall, John Laurie

Two families living on a remote island off of Scotland are torn asunder by a race between their sons in this thrilling romantic drama from director Michael Powell. Their challenge threatens to tear the families apart and ruin whatever peace is left on their island home, bringing both men right up onto the edge of the world. Shot entirely on the wild, windswept island of Foula in the Shetlands.

The Edge of the World
  • The Edge of the World

    Directed by Michael Powell • Drama • 1938 • UK • English
    Starring Niall MacGinnis, Belle Chrystall, John Laurie

    Two families living on a remote island off of Scotland are torn asunder by a race between their sons in this thrilling romantic drama from director Michael Powell. Their challenge thre...