The Sacrifice
2h 26m
Directed by Andrei Tarkovsky • Drama • 1986 • Sweden • Swedish with English subtitles
Starring Erland Josephson, Susan Fleetwood, Allan Edwall
Winner of four awards at the Cannes Film Festival and the winner of Best Foreign Language Film at the BAFTA's, famed Russian filmmaker Andrei Tarkovsky's final masterpiece is a haunting vision of a world threatened with nuclear annihilation. Made as he was dying of cancer, "The Sacrifice" is his personal statement and a profoundly moving tragedy steeped in unforgettable imagery and emotion.
Up Next in Berlinale
The Son of Joseph
Directed by Eugene Green • Arthouse • 2017 • France, Belgium • French with English subtitles
Starring Victor Ezenfis, Natacha Regnier, Fabrizio RongioneThe American-born expatriate filmmaker Eugene Green exists in his own special artistic orbit and his film "The Son of Joseph" is perhaps his mo...
Berlin Alexanderplatz
Directed by Burhan Qurbani • Drama • 2020 • Germany • German with English subtitles
Starring Welket Bungué, Albrecht Schuch, Jella HaaseAn African immigrant struggles to make a new life for himself in the big city in this audacious, neon-lit reinterpretation of Alfred Doblin’s 1929 novel. Afte...
Directed by Jayro Bustamente • Drama • 2015 • Guatemala, France • Kaqchikel, Spanish with English subtitles
Starring Maria Mercedes Coroy, Maria Telon, Manuel AntunWinner of the Silver Bear at the Berlin Film Festival, Jayro Bustamante's brilliant debut is a mesmerizing fusion of fact and fable...